Meet Pegasus Creative: Fall 2015

We asked our Pegasus members, what is your favorite quote from an Oglethorpe Core Class?


Heather Johnston '17Communications major with a minor in Business Administration
“The discussion itself is what most matters, the fact that we can reason together easily, with a blend of wit and seriousness, never descending into gossip or slander and always allowing room for alternative views.”
– Stephen Greenblatt, The Swerve: How the World Became Modern. CORE 301
<strong>Machelle Tran '16</strong>
Machelle Tran '16Creative Writing IPM
“Love and hope are infinitely more powerful than hate and fury.” – Heda Margolius Kovaly, Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague, 1941-1968. CORE 302
Kaley Lackey '19Communications Major


Previous Team Members

Meet the Communications Staff
Pegasus Creative is supervised by the permanent staff in the Office of University Communications: Todd Bennett, Renee Vary and Debbie Aiken.
Meet the Communications Staff